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Gordon Basichis is profiled this week in “A Book Inside.” The website focuses on Gordon and his new book, “The Guys Who Spied for China” (Minstrels Alley 2009):
Gordon Basichis found himself working as a personal aide for a gentlemanhigh up in the intelligence and defense communities, a “good shepherd” who began his government service at the beginning of the Second World. Based onhis true experiences, Gordon wrote the roman a clef, “The Guys Who Spied forChina,” which was published by Minstrel’s Alley in late 2009. It is a personaland darkly humorous account of his experience working for this gentlemanwho helped expose Chinese Espionage Networks in Californiaand around the United States. This is a quirky tale of the two disparatemen and the relationship they established while rooting out the home grownspies that had been operating for nearly four decades. It is anew twist on the spy drama, depicting the origins of Chinese EspionageOperations and the effect they have had on American policy. This storyexplains all the headlines of the eighties and nineties and the newsChinese Spies are still making today. It is a personal tale, chroniclingwhat it feels like to be suddenly thrust in the shadowy world of espionage.Gordon is the author of two other books, “The Constant Travellers,” and”Beautiful Bad Girl, The Vicki Morgan Story,” which depicts sociallifestyles and exotic sexual mores during the Reagan years.Visit: http://www.minstrelsalley.com/. You can read his weekly blogat http://www.hopefulromantics.org/
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