“The Cuban Quartet,” is a literary thrill ride,” said Minstrel’s Alley Publisher and President, M.J. Hammond. “It is romantic adventure tale that takes advantage of exotic locations around the world. At heart, the novel contains a love story that based on speculative incidents that some say occurred when Cuba fell to Fidel Castro and the Communists, in 1959.”
“Most of the books is set some thirty years later, in the eighties when the story’s offbeat protagonist’s search after the four rogue government agents who disappeared with millions in gold shortly after the fall of Batista.”
Hammond pointed out with Cuba a newsworthy topic, “The Cuban Quartet,” enjoys a timeliness and a sophistication that should appeal both to male and female readers. She noted the story is plot driven but embellished with rich characters, both as the main protagonists and in supporting plot lines.”
“We are building a comprehensive marketing package around this novel,” said Hammond. “We are working all the social media venues and will soon be advertising the book in a digital format. We are also offering its author,Gordon Basichis, for reading engagements. Previously, Gordon has been reluctant to involve himself with reading engagements due to the demands business he Co-Founded, Corra Group, which specializes in background checks and corporate research.
“We are also soliciting both the online and conventional entertainment and media outlets for guest appearances,” said Hammond. “Gordon from time to time, is requested for guest appearances in relation to his best-selling non-fiction effort, “Beautiful Bad Girl, the Vicki Morgan Story,” which deals with the sex and murder scandal between department store scion Alfred Bloomingdale and his longtime mistress, Vicki Morgan. Gordon gives great interviews.”
Hammond believes “The Cuban Quartet” also has the commercial elements of a best-selling novel. She dubbed it a page turner that warrants a full blown marketing effort.
“This is not your mother’s romantic mystery thriller,” said Hammond. “But then, if it was, we wouldn’t publish it at Minstrel’s Alley.”
Background: Minstrel’s Alley is a Los Angeles based independent media outlet and publisher that seeks to bring adventure back into the entertainment industry by publishing books that have popular appeal but with more complexity than the standard mainstream fare. The new publishing group distributes its books through Amazon, Kindle, and assorted Internet outlets as well as through bookstores around the country. You can view Minstrel’s Alley at http://www.minstrelsalley.com